I haven't posted in a veeeeery looooong time. Part of my excuse is due to the fact that the things I've been working on have been Christmas presents for people.
One of the things I learned from a fellow blogger, is the art of homemade candles. It is rewarding and there is an environmental benefit to this. Through my research, I've learned that most candles on the market contain a chemical called Paraffin. According to greenamericatoday.org, "Paraffin—a petroleum by product—releases carcinogenic soot when burned. The soot can also cause respiratory problems and will aggravate the conditions of those who already have asthma, lung, or heart problems". An alternative to this is Soy.
First, I hot glued the wicks to the base of the tin cans.
I then microwaved the wax in a clean cottage cheese container (from my recycling container) and added about 10 drops of lavender essential oils.
Finally, I poured the wax into the containers and added some fresh lavender pieces. I chose to keep the wax white for aesthetics and to keep the amount of chemicals down. I propped the wax up with some toothpicks and let it sit for about an hour.
Finished product (pictures from candles made in Ikea containers)